Coffee Bundles You Need | The Alternative Home Espresso Toolkit

Coffee Bundles You Need | The Alternative Home Espresso Toolkit

Climpson & Sons 4 mins Read

By Rebecca Wooden

Here’s a coffee bundle for the more alternative espresso drinker who likes to sip through a wide range of flavours through the calendar year. This is for anyone who loves to explore flavour in their espresso based drinks, with everything you'll need to make the most out of our stand-out coffees from our global origin partners, 365 days a year.

Let’s start with the coffees you need to be sipping. This week we celebrate the release of new editions of both our Broadway Blend and The Fields. These two espresso coffees change through the seasons. Our Autumnal editions are a celebration of the rich heritage of El Salvador coffee and a returning favourite from one of our longest producing partners in Brazil.


Broadway Blend

Climpson & Sons Broadway Blend emphasises closer farm and import relationships, where each coffee chosen is a unique representation of origin and terroir. The focus is all about high quality, sustainably produced coffees that compliment one another to a tee. We always use a 50/50 balance in our Broadway Blend, giving equal space for two equally delicious coffees to shine. This coffee will change through the year, showcasing fresh harvest arrivals from our producing partners across the world, but will always present sweet and smooth flavours that pair perfectly with milk.

Our Autumnal Broadway Blend features a pulped natural from Las Ranas, El Salvador, named after the native frogs (Ranas) that find home in the forest reserve and lagoon on the complex. This coffee is paired with a returning favourite from our pal Bruno de Souza in Brazil for a light and nuanced espresso with a heavenly caramel finish.

The Fields

For the real adventurers living amongst us (everybody knows one!) The Fields is a coffee that always showcases forward-thinking innovation, whether that’s a unique variety, processing method or sustainability practice at source.

Buena Vista, El Salvador marks the return of a hand picked natural coffee from a micro lot within the Salaverria family's larger sixth generation farm. Decadent jammy notes of pineapple and cherry pair with a deep chocolate finish to produce an edition of The Fields that lives up to its adventurous title.

Both of these coffees are available through our coffee subscriptions, where you can simply ‘Say What’ and ‘Say When’ to curate a coffee delivery to suit you. Your morning will never be without espresso again. Thank goodness for that.

And next, the all important equipment to let those coffees sing.

Acaia Pearl Scales

Designed for coffee enthusiasts, Acaia’s unbelievably fast scales (a casual 20 millisecond response time) allow for an instant reading and accuracy of up to one tenth of a gram. A built in timer is ever so useful when curating your own espresso recipe. We couldn’t make coffee without them.

Baratza Sette 270 Grinder

The most versatile home grinder around. This grinder can be positioned to grind directly into an espresso portafilter, with a programmable timer adjustable to 0.01 seconds to reduce precious coffee waste. With 30 grind settings, it’s easy to adjust grind size and perfect your personalised espresso recipe. This is the ultimate grinder for those that like to experiment with seasonal coffees throughout the year, easily allowing you to grind finer or coarser to taste.


Climpson & Sons Tamper

An essential piece of kit, a tamper is used to pack down freshly ground coffee, allowing for just the right amount of water to pour through for a full bodied extraction.

We thought we would make one with our name on it. Handmade in the UK, this tamper has a flat base for tamping with precision, each and every time.


Milk Pitcher

For professional quality milk frothing, you need the professional tools. Rhinowares Milk Pitchers come in a 12 oz size for steaming a single cup, as well as a larger 20 oz size when pouring for two people. Get steamy.


La Marzocco Linea Mini

Of course, we can’t feature an espresso bundle without that all-important machine. Our best pick for home enthusiasts is the iconic La Marzocco Linea Mini. Expertly designed with the home user in mind, this machine can be plumbed into your kitchen for seamless water to waste flow, or you can use the inbuilt 2.5 litre water reservoir to keep it mobile. Dual boilers and an integrated brew group create the perfect temperature stability to allow you to brew with precision, as well as preheat your boiler for that first extraction of the day.


home espresso machine linea mini

As well as the beautiful machine, when purchasing a Linea Mini from Climpson & Sons you will also receive delivery, installation, training and a bag of complimentary coffee to kick off your espresso journey.

Talk to us about coffee subscriptions, machine installations and coffee training at We love to answer your burning questions on all things coffee.

Learn to make the most out of your home espresso set up with our expert workshops. Join us for our Home Espresso Workshop or our new Latte Art Workshop to hone your coffee making skills with our knowledgeable team.

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